To be updated as possible with new links to publications. If there's something here you can't get at and want, contact me!
A resume is available (last update September 2016)
Below, from 2013…
(Last update, 2013. Updates for 2014 coming.)
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Google Scholar
Impact and Contributions (Draft, In Progress)
IFIP Silver Core Award, 2013
Spring School lecturer (invited) IFIPTM Working Group 11.11: Trust and Trust Management, Malaga, Spain, 2013.
Spring School lecturer (invited) IFIPTM Working Group 11.11: Trust and Trust Management, Surat, India, 2012.
SICSA Distinguished Visiting Scientist, August 2011, sponsored by the University of Glasgow (Computer Science), including several invited talks, keynotes and Summer School led by Marsh.
Summer School lecturer (invited) IFIPTM Working Group 11.11: Trust and Trust Management, Copenhagen, 2011.
Canadian Representative, IFIP Technical Committee 11 (Security and Privacy in Information Systems), 2010-present – an invited position approved by CIPS.
Assistant Editor, Computational Intelligence Journal, 2007-present.
Editor in Chief, Journal of Trust Management (SpringerOpen).
Research Fellow (Computational and Social Trust), Division of Psychology, University of Northumbria, Newcastle UK.
Secretary, IFIP Working Group 11.11, Trust Management, 2004-present. Re-elected by the community in in 2009 and in 2012 for 3 year terms.
Edited Volumes
Nishigaki, M., Josang, A., Murayama, Y. & Marsh, S.
Trust Management IV: Proceedings of the 4th Annual IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference. IFIPTM2010. Springer, IFIP AICT 321, 2010.
Korba, L., Marsh, S., Safavi-Naini, R.
PST 2008: Proceedings of the Conference on Privacy Security and Trust. IEEE Press.
Etalle, S. and Marsh, S.
Trust Management. Springer, 2007.
Marsh, S. & Ghorbani, A.
PST 2005: Proceedings of the Third Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, St Andrews, NB. October 14th-17th, 2005
Marsh, S.
PST 2004: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, Fredericton, NB. October 13th-15th, 2004
Refereed Journal Papers
Kosa, T. A., El-Khatib, K., and Marsh, S,
Measuring Privacy
Journal of Internet Services and Information Security, 1(4):60-73. November 2011.
Marsh, S., Briggs, P., El-Khatib, K., Esfandiari, B., Stewart, J.
Defining and Investigating Device Comfort
Journal of Information Processing, June 2011. Information Processing Society of Japan. 19:231-252. (
Marsh, S., Ghorbani, A., and Bhavsar, V.
The ACORN Multiagent System
Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, April 2003, 1(1):65-86. IOS press.
Carter, J., Ghorbani, A., and Marsh, S.
Multiagent System Component Design Strategies
Computational Intelligence, November 2002, 18(4):638-655
Book Chapters
Marsh, S., Noël, S., Storer, T., Wang, Y., Briggs, P., Robart, L., Stewart, J., Esfandiari, B., El-Khatib, K., Bicakci, M., Dao, M., Cohen, M., and Da Silva, D. Non-Standards for Trust: Foreground Trust and Second Thoughts for Mobile Security. In Proceedings STM 2011, Springer LNCS.
Marsh, S. and Briggs, P.
Examining Trust, Regret and Forgiveness as Computational Concepts
Chapter 2 of Golbeck, J., Computing with Social Trust, Springer 2009.
Little, L., Marsh, S., and Briggs, P.
Trust and Privacy Permissions for an Ambient World.
In Sugarman, V. Intelligent Information Technologies. Information Science Reference, 2008, pp. 2014-2042
Marsh, S., Patrick, A. & Briggs, P. Trust in Digital Government – Social Issues
In Nemati, H., Information Security and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, pp. 2905-2913. Information Science Reference, 2008..
Marsh, S., Patrick, A. & Briggs, P.
Trust in Digital Government – Social Issues
In Anttiroiko, A. & Malkia, M., Encyclopedia of Digital Government, IDEA Group, 2006.
Marsh, S. and Dibben, M.
Trust, Untrust, Distrust and Mistrust; An Exploration of the Dark(er) Side.
In Herrmann, P., Issarny, V. & Shiu, S. Proceedings of iTrust 2005. Springer Verlag, LNCS 3477 2005.
Patrick, A. S., Briggs, P. & Marsh, S.
Designing Systems that People will Trust
In Cranor, L. & Garfinkel, S. L., Designing Secure Systems That People Can Use. O'Reilly & Associates, 2005.
Marsh, S. & Dibben, M.
The Role of Trust in Information Science and Technology
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 2003. Volume 35, chapter 10, pp.465-497
Thimbleby, H. W.; Marsh, S.; Jones, S. R.; Cockburn, A.
Trust in CSCW
In Scrivener, S. (Ed.), Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Ashgate Publishing. Pages 253—271. 1994.
Refereed Conference Papers
Storer, T., Marsh, S., Noel, S., Esfandiari, B., El-Khatib, K., Briggs, P., Renaud, K. & Bicacki, M., 2013.
Second Thoughts: Obstructive User Interfaces for Raising Security Awareness. In proceedings PST 2013, Privacy Security and Trust. Tarragona, Spain.
Marsh, S., Wang, Y., Noel, S., Robart, L. & Stewart, J., 2013.
Device Comfort for Mobile Health Information Accessibility. In proceedings PST 2013, Privacy Security and Trust. Tarragona, Spain.
Dwyer, N., Basu, A. & Marsh, S.
Reflections on Measuring the Trust Empowerment Qualities of Digital Designs. In Fernandez, C. & Agudo, I, proceedings IFIPTM 2013, Malaga, Spain.
Marsh, S., Basu, A. & Dwyer, N.
Security Enhancement with Foreground Trust, Comfort, and Ten Commandments for Real People. In Kayem, A. and Meinel, C. Theories and Intricacies of Information Security Problems, proiceedings INTRICATE-SEC 2012. Hasso-Plattner Instituts fur Softwaresystemtechnick and der Universitat Potsdam, pp.1—7, Technische Berite Nr 63. 2013
Noorian, Z., Zhang, J., Fleming, M. & Marsh, S.
Determining the Optimal Reporting Strategy in Competitive E-Marketplaces. In Proceedings TrustCom 2012, 11th Intl. Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications. June 2012.
Noorian, Z., Fleming, M., & Marsh, S.
Towards a Design of Adaptive Incentive Mechanism in Large-e-Marketplaces, in Proceedings WIT-EC 2012, June 2012.
Noorian, Z., Noorian, M., Fleming, M., Marsh, S.,
A Strategic Reputation-Based Mechanism for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In Kosseim, L. and Inkpen, D., Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Springer LNCS 7310, pp 145-157. 2012.
Marsh, S., Basu, A. and Dwyer, N.
Rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s: Complex Trust and Human Understanding. In proceedings IFIPTM 2012: Trust Management VI, Surat India. Springer AICT, pp. 191-200.
Jøsang, A., Azderska, T. and Marsh, S.,
Trust Transitivity and Conditional Belief Reasoning. In proceedings IFIPTM 2012: Trust Management VI, Surat India. Springer AICT, pp. 68-83.
Noorian, Z., Fleming, M., & Marsh, S.
Preference-oriented QoS-based service discovery with dynamic trust and reputation management, in Proceedings ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pp 2014-2021. March 2012.
Noorian, Z., Marsh, S., and Fleming, M., Prob-Cog: an Adaptive Filtering Model for Trust Evaluation, In Trust Management V: Proceedings of IFIPTM 2011, 5th International Conference on Trust Management.
Noorian, Z., Marsh, S. and Fleming, M., Multi-Layer Cognitive Filtering by Behavioural Modeling. Proc. of 10th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2011), Tumer, Yolum, Sonenberg and Stone (eds.), May, 2–6, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan,
Marsh, S. & Briggs, P., Defining and Investigating Device Comfort, In Short Papers Proceedings, IFIPTM 2010, Morioka, Japan, pp.17-24.
Marsh, S., Comfort Zones: Location-dependent trust and information management for mobile devices, in workshop proceedings, IFIPTM 2010, Morioka, Japan. pp.33-40.
Etalle, S., den Hartog, J.I. and Marsh, S. (2007) Trust and Punishment.
In: International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems (Autonomics), 28-30 October 2007. ACM Press.
Marsh, S. & Briggs, P.
Trust, Forgiveness and Regret: The Internal Triangle.
Proceedings CHI workshop: ReInvent06: reinventing trust, collaboration and compliance. April 2006.
Josang, A., Marsh, S. & Pope, S.
Exploring Different Types of Trust Propagation.
In Stoelen, K. a& Winsborough, W. Trust Management: Proceedings of iTrust 2006, Italy, May 2006. Springer.
Briggs, P., Little, L., Love, S., Marsh, S., Coventry, L.
Ambient Intelligence: Does Private Mean Public?
In Proceedings (Volume 2) 19th British CHI Group Annual Conference: HCI 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, September. Pp 338-340.
Marsh, S
InfoDNA, Version 2
In Marsh, S. (Ed.) Proceedings PST 2004, Privacy, Security and Trust. Fredericton, Canada, October 2004.
Marsh, S.
InfoDNA: Agent Enhanced Societal Judgment in Information in a Multi-Person Setting
In proceedings, COLA 2004: Workshop on Collaboration Agents, in IEEE WI/IAT 2004, Beijing, China, September 2004.
Chris McDonald, Gerhard Roth, Steve Marsh: Red-Handed: Collaborative Gesture Interaction with a Projection Table. Sixth IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FGR 2004), May 17-19, 2004, Seoul, Korea. IEEE Computer Society 2004. pp.773-778.
Marsh, S., Briggs, P., Wagealla, W.
Considering Trust in Agent Societies
In Proceedings CHI 2004:Human factors in Computing Systems, pp 1707-1708. Vienna, Austria
Corrie, B., Wong, H., Zimmerman, T., Marsh, S., Patrick, A.S., Singer, J., Emond, B., & Noel, S. (2003). Towards quality of experience in advanced collaborative environments. Third Annual Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments, June 22, Seattle
Carter, J., Ghorbani, A. & Marsh, S.
Just-in-time information sharing architectures in multiagent systems
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems: part 2, pp. 647-654
Marsh, S., Meech, J., Dautenhahn, K. and Nowell, L.
The Philosophy and Design of Socially Adept Technologies
In Proceedings CHI 2002 (Extended Abstracts, pp. 918-920.
Marsh, S
Table Manners
In Proceedings First workshop on Socially Adept Technologies, CHI 2002.
Marsh, S., Meech, J., Nowell, L., Turner, A. & Grant, H.
Social Understanding in the Interface: The Philosophy and Design of Socially Adept Technologies
In proceedings INTERACT 2001, Tokyo Japan, July 2001.
Yu, H., Bhavsar V.C. Ghorbani, A., Marsh, S.
Keyphrase-Based Information Sharing in the ACORN Multi-Agent Architecture,
pages 245-258 of Horlait, E (Ed): Proceedings MATA 2000,
Mobile Agents for Telecommunications Applications, Springer LNCS 1931.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Marsh, S., Meech, J. & Dabbour, A.
Putting Trust into ECommerce - One Page at a Time
In proceedings of Autonomous Agents 2000 Workshop on Deception, Fraud, and Trust in Agent Societies. Barcelona, Spain.
Meech, J. & Marsh, S.
Social Factors in ECommerce Personalisation
CHI’2000 Workshop on 1-to-1 eCommerce. In CHI’2000 Extended Abstracts. ACM.
Davenport, E., Dibben, M., Marsh, S., Thimbleby, H., Rosenbaum, H.
Artificial Morality: Representations of Trust in Interactive Systems, Panel Session, CHI 2000. In CHI’2000 Extended Abstracts. ACM.
Marsh, S. and Meech, J.
Trust in Design
In CHI’2000 Development Consortium. Extended Abstracts, CHI’2000. ACM.
Bhavsar, V., Ghorbani, A. & Marsh, S.
A Performance Evaluation of the ACORN Architecture
In Proceedings 1999 APICS Fall Conference on Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Science, November 1999.
Marsh, S.
Trust, Anthropomorphism and Socially Adept Technology
Presentation given at Panel Session, Artificial Morality: Representations of Trust in Interactive Systems, (Panelists: Davenport, E., Dibben, M., Marsh, S., Thimbleby, H.) in Proceedings Interact’99 Volume II, Edinburgh, September 1999.
Marsh, S. and Masrour, Y.
Agent Augmented Community-Information: the ACORN Architecture
pp. 72-81 of Johnson, H. (Ed). Proceedings CASCON 1997: Meeting of Minds. IBM Centre for Advanced Studies, Toronto.
Marsh, S.
Smart Documents, Mobile Queries: Information Provision and Retrieval Using a Multi-Agent System
In Ferguson, I. (Ed.) AI in Digital Libraries - Moving from Chaos to (More) Order,
Proceedings of workshop at International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Nagoya, Japan, August 1997.
Marsh, S.
A Different Approach to Information Provision and Retrieval
In Frohmann, B. (Ed.), Communication and Information in Context: Science, Technology, and the Professions. Proceedings 25th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science, June 1997, St. Johns, Newfoundland.
Marsh, S.
A Community of Autonomous Agents for the Search and Distribution of Information in Networks.
In Furner, J. and Harper, D. (Eds.) Information Retrieval Research, Proceedings 18th Annual BCS-IRSG Colloquium on IR Research, Aberdeen, Scotland, April 1997.
Springer series of Electronic Workshops in Computing.
Marsh, S
Exploring the Socially Adept Agent
In Proceedings DIMAS'95 (Distributed Intelligent and Multi Agent Systems). Krakow, Poland. 1995. ISBN 83-86813-10-5.
Marsh, S.
Optimism and Pessimism in Trust
In Geffner, H (Ed.)
Proceedings IBERAMIA 1994: IV IberoAmerican Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Addison-Wesley. Pages 286 - 297. October, 1994.
Marsh, S.
Trust in DAI
In Castelfranchi, C.; Werner, E. (Eds.), Artificial Societies.
Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, number 830. Pages 94 - 112. 1994.
Marsh, S.
Trust and Reliance in Multi-Agent Systems: A Preliminary Report
In Cesta, A.; Conte, R.; Miceli, M. (Eds.)
MAAMAW’92, Pre-Proceedings of the 4th European Workshop on Modeling Autonomous Agents in an Artificial World.
National Research Council, Italy. 1992.
Marsh, S. and Thimbleby, H. W.,
Trusting Agents: The Rationality of a Judgmental Approach,
In Johnson, K. and Kerridge, S (Eds.)
Proceedings of the Third Belief Representation and Agent Architectures Workshop (BRAA 92)
University of Durham, School of Engineering and Information Science. 1992.
Selected Invited Lectures
Putting Trust in the Foreground
Keynote, Workshop on Trustworthy Self-Organizing Systems, at IEEE SASO, October 2011.
Reconsidering Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies
Keynote, Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies workshop, Glasgow University, August 10th, 2011.
Mobile Device Security and Comfort
Invited talk, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, August 2nd, 2011.
Putting Trust in the Foreground
Invited Talk, Strathclyde University, Scotland, July 28th, 2011.
The Uses of Regret and Forgiveness
Invited Talk, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, July 26th, 2011.
Whence Computational Trust?
Keynote, CASiUS Summer School, University of Glasgow, July 19th, 2011.
A Non-Standard for Trust
Keynote, Security and Trust Management (STM11), Copenhagen, June 2011.
Mobile Device Security and Comfort
Invited talk, Université de Quebec en Outaouais, February 23rd, 2011.
Exploring Mobile Device Comfort
Invited Talk, CapCHI (Ottawa ACM SigCHI Chapter), 18th January 2011.
Exploring Mobile Device Comfort
Invited Talk, University of Saskatchewan, August 23rd, 2010.
Trust ad Security
Japanese Applied Security Forum invited lecture, June 24th, 2010, Tokyo.
Computational Trust Systems
Invited Seminar, University of Essex, January 2009
Trust and Trust Management
DRDC-NATO IST Meeting, April 23rd, 2008
Untrust and Her Siblings
Keynote, International Conference on Electronic Commerce, August 2006.
Explorations into Computational Trust
Colloquium, National Research Council, May 31st 2006
Trust, regret, Forgiveness and Boing
Invited presentation, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK, October 4th, 2005
Artificial Trust, Regret and Forgiveness
Invited presentation, Trinity College Dublin, September 30th, 2005
Trust, Untrust, Distrust and Mistrust – En Exploration of the Dark(er) Side
Keynote, iTrust 2005, 3rd International Conference on Trust Management, Paris, France. May 24th, 2005.
Investigating Critical Infrastructures and their Interdependencies
Colloquium, National Research Council Institute for Information Technology, November 4th, 2004.
Fostering User Trust in Emerging Mobile IP Technologies
Invited presentation, Bell University Labs Annual Conference, November 3rd2004.
A bit of this, a bit of that
Invited presentation, Banff New Media Institute, October 1st, 2004.
The Funny Thing About Trust
Invited Lecture, University of New Brunswick Law Week, February 19th, 2004.
The Design of the Everyday
Banff New Media Institute, October 3rd, 2004.
Click to Edit Title of Rant
Invited presentation, Banff New Media Institute, summit on Collaborative Technologies, May 24th, 2003.
Socially Adept Technologies, given at Carleton University Multi Agent Systems course, March 2002
Socially Adept Technologies, given at Pacific Northwest National Labs, Richland,. WA. USA, January 2002